AWS vs Oracle Cloud: Which is the better database solution?

September 22, 2021


Are you looking to move your database to the cloud but unsure which provider to choose? Two of the most popular options are AWS and Oracle Cloud. Both providers offer a wide range of services and solutions, but which one is better for your database needs?

In this blog post, we will provide you with a factual unbiased comparison of the two cloud-based database services. We will consider their features, costs, performance and highlight the pros and cons of each service.


When it comes to features, both AWS and Oracle cloud databases offer a wide range of options. AWS offers Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), Amazon DynamoDB (NoSQL database), and Amazon Aurora (MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database). On the other hand, Oracle Cloud offers Oracle Autonomous Database (automated, self-driving database service) with support for both SQL and NoSQL workloads.

AWS offers a much wider range of database options than Oracle Cloud. However, Oracle Autonomous Database offers the benefit of being automated which reduces management overheads and allows for more focus on application development.


When it comes to costs, AWS offers pay-as-you-go plans that allow you to pay only for what you use. Compared to Oracle Cloud, AWS pricing structures can be easier to manage and more cost-effective, especially if you have a small to medium sized workload.

Oracle Cloud offers a more complex pricing structure than AWS, but they do offer significant discounts on a per-second billing model, which can be beneficial for larger workloads.


Performance is a crucial factor in choosing a cloud-based database provider. AWS offers high-performing databases with services like Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora. Amazon Aurora, in particular, has been found to have up to five times better performance than standard MySQL databases.

Oracle Autonomous Database also boasts excellent performance, with the ability to scale up and down in seconds for better CPU and memory usage. It also offers self-healing that helps reduce downtime.

Pros and Cons



  • Wide range of database options.
  • Easy to use and manage with user-friendly interfaces.
  • High performance databases with services like Amazon Aurora.


  • Can be costly for larger databases.
  • Can be complex and difficult to manage for those with limited experience.

Oracle Cloud


  • Automated self-driving database that reduces management overheads.
  • Offers significant discounts for large workloads.
  • Excellent performance with self-healing capabilities.


  • Pricing structures can be complex and confusing for some.
  • Smaller range of database options than AWS.


When comparing AWS and Oracle Cloud for your database needs, both services offer unique benefits. If you're looking for a cloud-based database service that's user friendly and easy to manage, AWS may be the better option for you. On the other hand, if you want an automated self-driving database and better performance, Oracle Cloud may be the better fit.

Ultimately, the choice between the two services will depend on your specific needs and budget. But with this unbiased comparison, we hope that you will be able to make a more informed decision.


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